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  • CAESAR (in cooperation with Clinical Epidemiology and Aging Research[C070])
    Health-related quality of life in long-term survivors after breast, colorectal and prostate cancer

  • LinDe (in cooperation with Clinical Epidemiology and Aging Research[C070])
    Health-related quality of life in Germany – Normative data from the general population

  • Impact/Dachs (in cooperation with Clinical Epidemiology and Aging Research[C070] and others)
    Prevention, early detection, therapy and long-term outcome in colorectal cancer

  • PROCAS - Prostate Cancer Survivorship in Switzerland
    (in cooperation with National Institute for Cancer Epidemiology and Registration, c/o University of Zurich, Schweiz)
    Health-related quality of life in long-term prostate cancer survivors in Switzerland

  • EORTC QLQ-SURV (in cooperation with Netherlands Cancer Institute and the EORTC-QLQ Study Group)
    Development and validation of an international, generic cancer survivorship questionnaire

  • CroKuS – Consequences of Corona Restrictions for Cancer Therapy and Survivorship (in cooperation with Health Economics [C100], Cancer Information Service [M100], Baden-Württemberg Cancer Registry [M110])
    Evaluation of the quality of life, social, psychological and financial consequences of the corona pandemic in cancer patients and survivors

  • EUonQoL – Quality of Life in Oncology: Measuring what matters for Cancer Patients and Survivors in Europe (in cooperation with the EUonQoL study group)
    Development of a European-wide, patient-centered tool to assess the quality of life of cancer patients and survivors in different treatment phases

  • CoDiCa – Causes of Death in Cancer Patients (in cooperation with Baden-Württemberg Cancer Registry [M110] and the German Network of Cancer Registries)

  • INE-CSC – Implementation Network Europe for Cancer Survivorship Care (in cooperation with the INE-CSC study group)

  • EiBe – Evaluation individueller Bedürfnisse von Menschen mit und nach Krebs [Evaluation of individual needs of cancer survivors]
    (in cooperation with Cancer Information Service [M100])

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